Electricity service Pattaya

Electricity service Pattaya

Have an electric problem in your home? We can fix it and also install new electrical appliances or outlets both inside and outside.

Any kind of electric work. Install, repair, and service the air conditioner.

Your electric system is one of the most important in your house/condo since it is a potential accident threat. It can cause personal injury as well as a fire outbreak if too old and/or wrongfully installed. Besides that, it can also damage electronic appliances and overall become annoying with frequent breakdowns. It is no fun when your electric system goes down, your house becomes pitch dark and you can not watch TV, take a shower or cook food.

If your electric system is at fault you might have a problem with your insurance, not be able to receive compensation for damage done.

Below you can read about improvements that will protect your system and other tips that you can benefit from. One of the first things you should do is to replace your lamp bulbs with the LED technique. That will lower your electric bill which makes it more environmentally enhanced.

Electricity service Pattaya

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An air conditioner works pretty much the same way as a refrigerator. The main integrated part is the compressor and this is known to be almost unbreakable. The two most common problems with an AC are the electronics, mostly inside the inner unit, and the circulating chemical leaking out.

As it gets older it becomes louder and louder. Probably time to change the fan. If you maintain your AC unit it will be more efficient. Regular cleaning will cost money but it will also make your unit more efficient = save money on the electric bill. Try to keep out small lizards, ants, and other smaller bugs as they often make their "home" in the area close to the electronic mainboard. This is the single most expensive part to replace. You can solve this problem by sealing holes and other entrances to that box with, for example, silicon.

In 1906, Stuart Cramer, who was a textile mill engineer, was the first person to coin the term “air conditioning.” The first residential unit was installed in 1914 and needed a room of its own: it was seven feet high, six feet wide, and 20 feet long. One of these early units carried a price tag of $10,000 to $50,000, which translates to $120,000 to $600,000 at today’s rate of exchange.

Luckily an AC has become much more affordable, smaller, and reliable today. But they still can break down or simply not generate cool air. We can help you fix any problem you have with your unit.

We also offer a running service, where we clean, manage and repair your AC's on a regular basis. Simply keep it running without bothering you. Please contact us for pricing since it might differ between brands and sizes. Paid annually.

When you choose to install a new AC, make sure you will have access to a workshop IN Pattaya that also has spare parts in the shop for your chosen brand. Not nice to have a none working AC in your bedroom when it is hot outside and must wait maybe a week for spare parts to be shipped from Bangkok, or worse.

The Inverter technique came to the market a couple of years ago. In the beginning, they were quite a lot more expensive but today the price difference is not that big anymore.

Why choose an Inverter air conditioner compared to a standard one? We explain why.

A standard AC start at full capacity and keeps full capacity until the temperature is down to whatever you have chosen. Then it stops. This means it will be noisy when it works, some AC also makes a loud noise when it starts. Off and on maybe 10's of thousands of times during the lifespan takes a toll which means it will break down earlier.

An Inverter AC works much more differently. It starts with full capacity but slows down as the temperature goes down. Then it becomes very silent, save energy and the unit will last longer. You will have problems even hearing it working, if properly installed.

Our experience tells us that many installations that we have seen do not work well as described above. Let's say you used to have a 9.000 BTU AC installed before and you replace it with a 9.000 BTU Inverter because you want it to be silent and use less electricity. If your room is close to or exceeds what is maximum capacity then your old AC will never stop working, unless it is cold outside. Same with an Inverter AC.

To benefit optimal use of our Inverter you need one with more BTU, let's say 12.000 BTU or at least 15% more capacity than a standard one. Now your Inverter AC can produce more cold air and therefore be able to slow down and become silent once the temperature is down to the setting.

Buying a bigger AC will cost more money? Yes, but if you have this problem explained above you should have bought a cheaper standard model from the beginning.

Buying a bigger Inverter AC will use more electricity? No. The amount of electricity used is directly linked to how much cold air you get, simply explained. Energy in equals energy out. But you gain a silent conditioner longer lasting.

A surge protector protects all your electric installations inside your condo/house from "spikes" coming from outside your home. This may occur when repairs are done outside your home and the electricity is temporarily shut down. When electricity is powered on again a Spike of electricity occurs. This can damage many of the appliances inside your home. Another spike, and often much more powerful one comes from a lightning strike anywhere on or close to the outside electric grid.

If you live in an area with frequent power breaks and/or are prone to lightning strikes you should seriously consider installing a Surge Protector. It will protect mainly all appliances that have any electronic device inside, like WiFi routers, TV, Stereo, and more. It will protect any other appliances as well but these are mostly not sensitive.

You can solve the problem by changing all your wired outlets to a protected one. These come with varying efficiency and are often not that effective compared to a stand-alone installation (See picture) that is connected BEFORE the power center in your home. A Surge Protector does not guarantee 100% protection, since we are talking about sometimes very heavy surges from, for example, lightning strikes, but still remain very high protection. Wired outlets have a lifetime of 2-5 years, depending on how often spikes occur. A stan-alone have a much longer lifetime. It can be installed in 220 Volt installations as well as to 380Volt.

A Surge protector is a must in your house, if you want to protect your appliances, less so in a condo since this problem normally is not that frequent. In many condos, there is a surge protector installed already at the condo power center.

How does a Surge Protector work?

When a surge (spike) enters inside your home the Surge Protector will react to that spike by redirecting it to Ground within milliseconds. If your home is not connected to the ground it will not work. This is also generally very dangerous for several reasons. You will likely not notice anything. If you had problems before with spikes damaging your appliances then you will, in time, notice that you no longer need to buy a new appliance.

We are happy to install a Surge Protector in your house or condo. It can easily be installed on your existing power central, in a box just outside it. Please contact us.

This is a technique that can save lives. Everybody should have one.

An RCD is a sensitive safety device that switches off electricity automatically if there is a fault.

An RCD is designed to protect against the risks of electrocution and fire caused by earth faults.  For example, if you cut through the cable when mowing the lawn and accidentally touch the exposed live wires or a faulty appliance overheats causing electric current to flow to the earth.

An RCD constantly monitors the electric current flowing through one or more circuits it is used to protect. If it detects electricity flowing down an unintended path, such as through a person who has touched a live part, the RCD will switch the circuit off very quickly, significantly reducing the risk of death or serious injury. Fixed RCDs are about 97% reliable.

In a condo, this technique could save lives. Even more important with a house since you probably have a garden. A quite common cause of death is in the garden, especially if it is wet. Electricity then can easily travel a great distance if, for example, an underground wire is leaking.

Installed, it will reduce the risk of electric shock to you and your family. It can also protect your home against the risk of fire caused by faulty wiring or appliances.